La farine fourragère, sous-produit issu de la transformation du grain de maïs, est un ingrédient essentiel à l'apport nutritionnel de l'alimentation pour bétail. Recherché pour ses teneurs en amidon, il s'additionnera parfaitement aux diverses formulations des aliments pour animaux.
Buckwheat flakes support health, give you energy, help you lose weight and lift your mood. The taste of TM "TERRA" buckwheat flakes is perfectly combined with almost all products - from them you can prepare not only a delicious buckwheat side dish , but also homemade bread, pancakes, pancakes, cutlets, dumplings and even cookies. We are sure that your relatives will be pleasantly surprised by such unusual and healthy dishes!
Les flocons d'amande, ainsi que les amandes eux-mêmes, sont riches en nutriments. Ils contiennent des vitamines, des minéraux, des protéines et des fibres, ont donc des effets de promotion de la santé. Ils ont une teneur élevée en graisses insaturées saines. Les graisses insaturées sont une composante indispensable d'une alimentation saine. On pense que leur consommation régulière peut réduire le niveau global de cholestérol. Les miged sont riches en vitamine E, un antioxydant bien connu, une substance qui arrête les processus d'oxydation, éliminant ainsi les veines et empêche les maladies cardiaques et ralentit le vieillissement cellulaire. On pense que les amandes contribuent à maintenir des os sains à travers le calcium, le magnésium, le manganèse, le cuivre, la vitamine K, les protéines et le zinc. De plus, les amandes contiennent: b vitamines, fibres et phosphore. & Nbsp; <strong> Composition: </strong> amands & nbsp; <strong> valeur nutritionnelle en 100g </strong> valeur énergét
Thaumatin, derived from the katemfe plant (Thaumatococcus daniellii), is a natural sweetener known for its intense sweetness, approximately 2000 to 3000 times sweeter than sugar. Widely used in foods and beverages, it's prized for its natural origin and potency. Its heat stability and low glycemic index make it a favorite for sugar-free, low-calorie, and diabetic-friendly products. Beyond sweetness, Thaumatin enhances flavors and acts as a natural preservative. While generally safe, adhering to recommended dosages is advised. Thaumatin's versatility and safety make it a popular choice for enhancing taste profiles and extending shelf life in various food and beverage applications.
EC number:258-822-2
Molecular Formula:C19H29N3O3S
CAS No:53850-34-3
Durum Wheat, also known as pasta wheat or macaroni wheat, is a tetraploid species of wheat offered by EG Export & Import. Despite representing only 5% to 8% of global wheat production, Durum Wheat is the second most cultivated species of wheat after common wheat. This wheat is widely used to make pasta and heavy bread due to its high gluten content, making it a preferred choice for culinary applications that require a robust and elastic dough. Originating from Central Europe, Durum Wheat is known for its ability to increase energy levels, thanks to its low fat and high carbohydrate content.
EG Export & Import provides the best quality Durum Wheat, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and purity. The wheat is characterized by a protein content of 12.5% min and a moisture content of 13.5% max, making it suitable for a wide range of baking and cooking applications. With a falling number of 300 min and a heat-damaged kernel content of 0.2% max, Durum Wheat is designed to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Whether used in pasta, bread, or other culinary creations, Durum Wheat is a reliable and nutritious choice for consumers and manufacturers alike.
L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
Haferflocken Bio: Haferflocken worden aus der Haferpflanze (Avena sativa) gewonnen. Die Pflanze ist etwa 1,2 Meter hoch. Hafer ist in Südosteuropa und Südostasien beheimatet und wird seit 7000 v. Chr. als Getreide angebaut. Haferflocken enthalten viele Kohlenhydrate und Eiweiß und sind daher ein weit verbreitetes Produkt bei der Zubereitung eines Frühstücks. Produktionsprozess von Hafer. Nach der Ernte wird das Haferkorn zunächst gewaschen und von der Schale befreit, diese äußeren Hüllblätter des Korns sind nicht essbar. Dann werden die Körner erhitzt und in Stücke geschnitten. Die geschnittenen Stücke werden dann zusammengefügt und bilden das Haferflocken. Gesundheitliche Eigenschaften von Haferflocken: Haferflocken enthalten viele Ballaststoffe und haben eine wohltuende Wirkung auf den Verdauungstrakt. Darüber hinaus enthalten Haferflocken viele langsame Kohlenhydrate, die dafür sorgen, dass der Körper länger Energie erfährt
Multigrain blend with β-glucan *
new Multigrain blend ranks in the new product line for healthy eating (health care) from the SPECIAL MIX. The combination of oat bran, sunflower, flaxseed along with the rye sourdough gives a wonderful tasty combination that complies with modern consumer trends.
Advantages: contains β-glucan which helps maintain normal * cholesterol levels, is low in fat, low in saturated fat, is a source of fibre.
The product offers a big advantage in the modern Baker and nutritional benefits to the consumer. * The beneficial results secured by the daily intake of beta-glucan 3gr or 300 g of bread.
For each client available poster and paper strips for the product.
How to use: 100% onl
Instant oatmeal with flax seeds. Flax, which is part of it, contains three types of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega3, Omega6 and Omega9), the right balance of which is necessary for all vital processes of the human body. Contains gluten. May contain traces of mustard.
Size:65*90*170 mm
WEIGHT:500 g
It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.
Instant organic cut oatmeal flakes by Firma DІAMANT LTD, LLC manufactured according to TU U 15.6-13929625-001:2011.
For the manufacture we use Certified organic oatmeal that has been double purified, which eliminates the presence of flower films in the finished product.
The use of very gentle grinding and steaming modes helps to save the maximum amount of useful nutrients in the product. Preservatives and artificial nutritional supplements are not used in the production of the product.
Flakes do not need cooking.
Ingredients: organic cut oatmeal flakes.
Type of packaging: polypropylene package, carton box
Energy value (calorie) per 100 g of product: 1445 kJ (345 kcal ).
Weight:500 gr
Quantity of boxes in package:16
Dill seeds have long been added to almost all brines and pickles, in umbrellas with pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper whole umbrellas with seeds are placed, only seeds are used in sauerkraut. Dill seeds go well with meat and fish dishes, any vegetable stew, and especially with dishes of peas, beans and lentils.
Use for
Sauces, soups, preservation, meat dishes, poultry dishes, side dishes.
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 16
Fats (g / 100g)… 15
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
Variety Feed Barley
Use Cattle, Human
Admixture (%) 1
Moisture (%) 12
Grade 1,2
Packaging 25 kg
Place of Origin SA
Model Number Barley
Barley Brown
Malting Barley Class A
Moisture 13% Max
Protein 10% Min 11.5% Max
Germination Energy 95% after 5 days
Full Barley 90%
Below 2.2 mm Max 3%
Purity of Variety 95% Min
Foreign Variety 1% Max
1000 Kernel Weight 40 gr
HI Weight Min 67 kg/h
Feed Barley Grade 2
Moisture 13% Max
Crude Protein 10% Min
Crude Fiber 8% Max
Damaged Grains 2% Max
Grain Impurities 3% Including Damaged Grains
Foreign Material 1% Max
Feed Barley Grade 3
Moisture 13%
Crude Protein 10% Min
Crude Fiber 8% Max
Damaged Grains 2% Max
Grain Impurities 3% Including Damaged Grains
Foreign Material 3% Max
Packaging 25 Kg PP Bags
Soft white wheat exhibits high break and straight-grade flour yields, at low ash and low starch damage. Their flours have low water absorption and low water-, carbonate-, and sucrose-solvent retention capacities.
Aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.
Die Körner werden maschinell vorsichtig geschält, so dass das hochwertige Hanföl mit seinen lebensnotwendigen ungesättigten Fettsäuren und dem wichtigen Eiweiß mit allen essentiellen Aminosäuren erhalten bleibt. Hanföl besitzt über 90% ungesättigte Fettsäuren.
Geschälter Speisehanf verfeinert nicht nur Müsli, Brot, Gebäck und andere Speisen, sondern findet auch als Dekoration auf Salat, Gemüse oder Süßspeisen seine Verwendung. Leichtes Anrösten erzeugt ein schmackhaftes Nussaroma, das vielen Speisen eine zusätzliche Note verleiht.
Um Geschmack und Nährwertstoffe zu erhalten, bitte nicht über 180 Grad Celsius erhitzen.
Herkunft Hanf: Europa (Frankreich, Belgien, Estland, Österreich,Litauen, Deutschland, China)
Hergestellt in Europa.
Wheat is defined as a cultivated grass that is grown mainly for nutritious grains. It grows anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. The scientific name of wheat is "Gramineae" and it belongs to the genus "Tritium".
We offer whole grain wheat, which is hygienically processed. Customers can get wheat from us at competitive prices. Therefore, we are considered as one of the most reputed suppliers based in India.
Les oignons granulés sont utilisés comme type
d'assaisonnement. Les granulés aromatisés concentrés sont
obtenus à partir d'oignons déshydratés. Cette substance est
faite d'oignons déshydratés moulus, le plus souvent à partir
des bulbes d'oignons. En raison de la déshydratation, le produit
a une durée de conservation plus longue. On dit que les
oignons séchés préviennent l'infestation bactérienne et aident
à réduire le risque de diverses infections bactériennes et
Le granulé d'oignon est parfait pour affiner divers
plats ainsi que des mélanges d'épices, des marinades, des
vinaigrettes et des sauces. Les oignons granulés peuvent
remplacer le goût traditionnel de l'oignon dans vos aliments et
boissons. Ne pleure pas! Garanti.
Conditionnement:250g, 500g et vrac